To be cradled,
By angels,
While I sleep,
In love as high,
As my darkness
Is deep,
With Holy kindness,
Rid my blindness,
And bid this heart
Ne'r need to weep.
A poem simply sounds the bell, of that which words could never tell.
Great spirit,
Whose ghostly face
I see,
Where sound
Be heard,
Or light
Just before the ear,
Secreted in the eye,
Within the tongue,
To steal sweet textures,
Or perched,
To pluck a fragrance
From the air,
Forever young
Your beating heart,
And fleet your feet
Upon the ground,
Shifting there,
As all the shapes,
Thus designed.
By the grace
And favour
Of curious delight,
Might your face
Be found.
The oppressive pecking
Of narcissistic ravens,
Stealing every errant crumb,
The vacancies of their gut,
Sharpen a cruel gaze,
That wastes nothing,
In this thievish alchemy,
The cheapest paste,
To jewels.
I remember this bright star,
Whose light bestows my liberty,
Banishing afar,
Those shadows of desire,
For this itself is my fire,
Its warm flame of fullness,
Only felt,
Through this crack in time,
An axis for heaven or hell in turn,
Where burns the lustre of idle dreams,
To ash and wholesome plenitude.